Yangyi Chen


CS PhD Student @ UIUC | YangyiChen6666 [AT] gmail.com

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[2024.11]. 1 paper accepted to TMLR.

[2024.9]. 1 paper accepted to EMNLP 2024.

[2024.6]. Serve as Area Chairs/Action Editors for ACL, EMNLP, ARR.

[2024.5]. 1 paper accepted to ICML 2024.

[2024.3]. 2 papers accepted to NAACL 2024 (1 outstanding paper).

[2024.2]. 1 paper accepted to CVPR 2024.

[2024.1]. 2 papers accepted to ICLR 2024.

[2023]. ……


I’m a third-year CS Ph.D. student at UIUC. I’m advised by Prof. Heng Ji and I also collaborate with Prof. Hao Peng. I work on scalable foundation models, aiming to establish fundamental approaches to address the following challenges:

In my undergraduate years, I worked on AI safety. I was a research intern at THUNLP advised by Prof. Zhiyuan Liu. In the early stages of my research, I worked closely with Dr. Fanchao Qi and received great help from him. Also, I am delighted to work with Prof. Wei Wei and Prof. Dawn Song.

Selected Publications

[Full Publications]

* indicates equal contribution + indicates corresponding author




Area Chair/Action Editor

2025: ACL/ARR (Feb)

2024: ACL/ARR (Feb), ARR (Apr, Aug, Oct), EMNLP/ARR (Jun)


2025: COLM, ICML, ICML Position Paper Track


2023: ICLR, EMNLP, EMNLP Industry Track, NeurIPS, NeurIPS D&B Track, ARR (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec), ACL (Outstanding Award), IEEE T-IFS

2022: NeurIPS D&B Track, EMNLP, ARR (Dec)

Assistant: AAAI 2022, ARR 2022 (Jan), EMNLP 2021, ARR 2021 (Oct, Nov)


When I was young (around 20), I enjoyed playing the piano and basketball. When I started doing research, my interests changed and I quickly fell in love with all kinds of Chinese food and mobile basketball games. But always, I am a big fan of milk tea!!